トカイナカ Farm to ONSEN

Sendai Toka-i-Naka (City x Countryside)
Hands-on Farming Experience
~ City of Trees Farm-to-Onsen Project~

Sendai, just 1.5 hours from Tokyo by Shinkansen, is a compact city where urban life and nature coexist.
Beyond the city center, hot springs dot the landscape and fertile farmland supports a variety of crops, including vegetables and rice.


In this diverse environment, we develop experiential food-related programs that allow visitors to enjoy agricultural activities in Sendai,
stay at hot spring hotels, and enjoy freshly harvested vegetables. To this end, we conduct proof-of-concept monitor tours.



Sendai-grown Vegetables

Sendai is located in the heart of Miyagi Prefecture, which is known as Food Kingdom Miyagi. Just a short distance from the city center, a rich rural landscape stretches into the distance. The vegetables cultivated here absorb the goodness of the earth, growing into high-quality produce with excellent flavor, texture, and aroma.

  • 井土ねぎ
  • Ido Negi Boasting a mellow sweetness and viscous texture, Ido Negi has recently become a regional vegetable brand. The Ido area experienced devastation during the tsunami of March 2011, but has since been revitalized. The salty sea breeze is said to provide a pleasant flavor to vegetables. The popular Ido Negi Festival, held every year, attracts more than 4,000 visitors.
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  • Tofudani no Kikurage (Wood Ear Mushrooms) The kikurage produced in Tofudani are meaty and rich in nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins B1 and B2, iron, and calcium. While dried kikurage are most common, Tofudani no Kikurage ships fresh kikurage all year long. Fresh kikurage are known for being plump and tender.
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  • Log-grown Shiitake Log-grown shiitake are delightfully chewy and thick, and the more you chew, the more your mouth fills with the flavor and fragrance of the shiitake. Dried shiitake are even more nutritious.
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  • Miyagi Shirome A large soybean, Miyagi Shirome boasts a richer and sweeter flavor than other soybeans, making it the ideal variety for tofu. Not only are the beans delicious, they're also visually appealing. On top of being perfect for tofu, Miyagi Shirome are also favored as an ingredient in miso and natto (fermented soybeans).
  • 仙台産枝豆
  • Edamame from Sendai Recently, Sendai has launched an initiative called "Edamame Picked This Morning" that sees freshly harvested edamame delivered to shops as soon as possible after picking. This way, consumers receive edamame when they're at their freshest, most flavorful, and most fragrant.
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  • Akiu Zairai Soba A locally branded variety of buckwheat boasting a rich aroma and deep flavor, Akiu Zairai has been cultivated since long ago in the region's cool mountain climate. Grown in the Nojiri area, this beloved soba variety is referred to by locals as "Nojiri longevity soba."

In addition to the vegetables already mentioned, Sendai has a variety of traditional vegetables known as "Sendai Dento Yasai." These vegetables, well suited to the climate and natural environment of the area, were cultivated in the pre- and post-war period, and seeds were preserved over the years. In addition, these vegetables are grown using methods unique to Sendai.

Come give Sendai's vegetables a try! You're guaranteed to find produce not available anywhere else Japan.

About Sendai

Sendai, just 90 minutes from Tokyo by Shinkansen, is a compact city boasting diverse geographical features. Thanks to its Pacific coast, mountains, rivers, and urban area, Sendai is able to offer a wealth of activities to enjoy.
Also known as the City of Trees, Sendai harmoniously blends the city with nature. Around Sendai Station, visitors will find commercial establishments, businesses, and schools. Just a short drive away, however, and urban concrete melts away, replaced by fields, rice paddies, forests, rivers, and the sea. The variety of landscapes visitors will encounter around the city is astounding.
There is much to do and see in Sendai, with the city providing everything from tourist attractions to accommodation. In addition to sightseeing, visitors can enjoy gourmet cuisine, shopping, and hot springs.

Sendai is the best of both worlds. Experience the urban and the rural in the City of Trees.



The Sendai Toka-i-Naka Project aims to create new opportunities by connecting Sendai's existing tourist attractions with farm experiences.

Over the course of the 2021 fiscal year, we made use of Sendai's compact nature by adding easy-to-enjoy agricultural activities to the city's existing tourist attractions, developing programs that allow visitors to experience both Food Kingdom Miyagi through a variety of farming and dining experiences and the healing waters of the area’s hot springs at Japanese-style inns. We conducted monitor tours to evaluate these programs, which also provided participants with the chance to savor freshly harvested vegetables served as part of special menus at Japanese-style inns.

From fiscal 2022, in addition to promoting Farm-to-Onsen-based tours to travel agents, we will launch a new Farm-to-Eat project, which will combine agricultural experiences with dining experiences and cooking workshops.


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